Making Bare Minimum Work For You
Decide your level of bare minimum that will allow you to achieve what you need
Let’s face it. Our inclination to doing the bare minimum is a real threat to becoming who we know we can be. This has especially been intensified by the popular narrative around endless hustle.
What if I do not want to hustle? What if that type of life does not particularly appeal to me? I would like to enjoy my life more often than not. Is this wishful thinking? I don’t think so.
In a lot of businesses, I notice something interesting. The bare minimum is not usually defined. So people default to a level where they feel least guilty about or push to see how much they can get away with. This is the beginning of workplace lethargy and lack of standards.
The one pattern that is true for all high performing work cultures is an above average idea of bare minimum. Their bare minimum is impressive and when you step into their space, you immediately feel the need to up your game.
Do you have well defined standards that are not constantly shifting? Have you laid out a path to success? Maybe all you need is to decide your level of bare minimum that will allow you to achieve what you need and stick to it. Even when you feel the pressure to do ‘more’ because of shifting trends. Trends come and go but standards make the foundation.