The Multi-Generational Opportunity

Simple conversations unlock interesting spaces.

Stella Njogo
2 min readMay 8, 2024


For what could have been an uneventful drive home, today’s car ride with a colleague cemented a theory I did not realise was percolating in my mind—the power of simple conversations to seep into your subconscious.

What started as a desperation to find good jeans led to a conversation about where to get amazing outfits at a great price. Listening to her philosophy on shopping reminded me of my younger self. A certain thriftiness comes with desiring nice things on almost no budget. Your creativity and resourcefulness is at its peak. Your senses are attuned to sniff out unusual suppliers at the best value.

It can be easy to miss when we transition out of spaces. Moving from using public transport to private transport shifts the world around you. Giving my Genz colleague a lift gifted me the chance to buy three pairs of jeans at a great bargain. We passed by a roadside vendor who’s always been invisible in plain sight—a stall I’ve sped past several times in my rush to get home.

When stuck in my daily bubble, my goal to update my wardrobe could seem overwhelming and expensive. However, I'm excited after a few simple conversations with younger people. They offer me options and fresh perspectives that I could have easily overlooked.

Conversations with people outside your age group are eye-openers, making a world previously hidden in plain sight come alive.



Stella Njogo

Behaviour Change Marketing Expert Writing on The Power of Tech and Media to Drive Culture