Why Curiosity Is a Modern-Day Super Power
Curiosity is a gift that allows us to see life in a colorful lens.
As the world is going through unprecedented change, I thought it is important to talk about things that can help us navigate and thrive in change. Mental models and habits that are simple yet effective in shifting our perspectives.
Today we’ll start with Curiosity
What is Curiosity?
Noun 1.
a strong desire to know or learn something; Inquisitiveness, interest, spirit of inquiry
Therefore, to be curious is to desire knowledge. To have an interest in learning and knowledge.
Curiosity is driven by two things; the desire to fill knowledge gaps (epistemic) and the desire to grow in wisdom and knowledge (perceptual).
Would you consider yourself more or less curious than you were as a child? Your answer is probably less. I know mine is.
I remember that as a child, I devoured any book I could get my hands on. I was a regular at the principal’s office because he kept a library of encyclopedias. Now you can imagine how scary it was to borrow books from the principal. But my curiosity managed to override the fear and I went to get books that taught me fun things like bees and any other thing that caught my attention.
In fact, this memory came back to me as I was preparing this episode. Because I was curious about recalling my childhood curiosity.
Curiosity is a gift that allows us to see life in a colorful lens. It allows us to see ourselves and others through different angles. It is sometimes beaten out of us by societal expectations or the heaviness of doing life on this side of the world. In Africa. Some people are more curious than others but like any skill, it can be improved. Like any personality trait, it can be cultivated.
Why should you even care? Let me tell you why.
1. Curiosity Connects You With People.
A common question raised by many people, including myself, is how do I connect and network with other people?
First, I don’t like the word network. I think it turns the beautiful gift of connecting with others into a commodity. I found out that the best way to connect with anyone is to stay curious about them. Truly curious. This was a huge relief for me. No scripts to memorize and no hoops to jump. Just plain old curiosity.
Practicing curiosity in your life will help you stay interested in other people. You will always see something that jumps at you that you can ask about. You’ll start to see their goodness, their gifts and be able to point them out.
Have you ever met anyone who truly made you feel seen? It was probably because they looked you straight into your eyes and were truly curious. It’s a powerful connector.
2. Curiosity Expands Your World
I remember when I decided to start dancing. I was bored by living life through a small loop. Oscillating between the office and my apartment. I wanted to know people outside my world circles and do something for the simple joy of doing it.
Attending my first salsa night was terrifying. I followed a friend and expected to have a great time. Little did I know that I would be on my own for a sizable portion of the night. No one wanted to dance with a novice. I could see visible irritation when someone asked me for a dance and all I did was fumble all over. I hated it and swore to never go back.
However, I went back. Eventually. After going for salsa classes and realizing that I enjoyed this. I especially fell in love with a dance called Kizomba. Kizomba is originally from Angola but it is now a global movement. It opened up a whole new world for me. A world of music and acquaintances.
Curiosity opens up our world. It’s not always rosy at the beginning but you eventually find your way. Your heart wants leads you to your tribe
3. Curiosity Improves Your Performance
Adulting sometimes feels like a never-ending exercise in productivity. Improving your life is directly tied to improving your performance at work, improving your body’s performance, and improving your social performance.
Curiosity can help you navigate cultural and societal nuances.
How? By asking questions. The biggest breakthroughs in life come through asking questions to the right people. How will you ever find them if you never start asking? When you get advice that prevents you from taking the long route, you gain an advantage. When you ask a question and get a response that shifts your perspective on life, your mind is opened up to possibility.
Navigating change and uncertainty is best done through asking a series of questions. Don’t leave things at face value. Question the normal. Normal might not be your path. And that’s alright. A prevalent term in this season of change is the word “new normal’. COVID 19 has usurped how the world works. I think it’s a great thing. I don’t like how it has happened but I am glad it did. How many people get to live through a global shift in their lifetimes?
The real question is, what will you do with this period of change. Will you sit around and wait for someone to define the “New normal for you? Or will you start asking questions that help you co-create a new normal that works for you?
I’ll choose the second option. Because with that, I have a better chance of winning.
This article was created from an episode of my podcast, “Kalongolongo Life”. It is a podcast about the process of reinventing normal. We explore the mindset and habits that help you navigate change and become impactful. How to become a changemaker.
Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform. Listen to learn, reflect, or get a nudge to re-imagine life. Short and sweet episodes that you can have with your tea or coffee.
Kalongolongo is a role-play childhood game in Kenya where you use your imagination to create stories. Let the attitude of Kalongolongo inspire you to intentionally create the story around you.